Objectives: (1) Evaluate impact of FCR on provider satisfaction and collaboration. (2) Evaluate impact of FCR on parent satisfaction with provider communication.
Methods: Collaboration and Satisfaction about Care Decisions (CSACD) questionnaire was given to staff on 4 patients 2 days a week for 5 weeks prior to and 6 months after implementation of FCR. Parents received a Parents Stress Scale and Neonatal Instrument of Parent Satisfaction before discharge, prior to and 6 months after starting FCR.
Results: 278/288 (97%) staff surveys were completed, 142 pre and 136 post. On the CSACD survey NNPs and fellows showed increased (p < 0.05) collaboration and satisfaction post FCR. No group had decreased satisfaction. Twenty-eight of 45 (62%) parent surveys were completed, 12 pre and 16 post. Parents' satisfaction scores increased (p < 0.01) pre vs. post on survey items regarding communication, meeting with physicians, and obtaining information about their infants.
Conclusions: FCR was associated with enhanced collaboration among team members for NNPs and fellows. Parents' satisfaction scores increased post FCR on survey items regarding communication. Since NNPs and fellows are the primary communicators with parents, the increased satisfaction may reflect improved communication due to FCR. This added opportunity for open dialogue may also contribute to the increased parent satisfaction.