Dietary retinoids (vitamin A and its derivatives) contribute to normal embryonic development. However, the mechanism(s) involved in the transfer of recently ingested vitamin A from mother to embryo is not fully understood. We investigated in vivo whether lipoprotein lipase (LPL) facilitates the placental uptake of dietary retinyl ester incorporated in chylomicrons and their remnants and its transfer to the embryo. We examined the effects of both genetic ablation (MCK-L0 mice) and pharmacological inhibition (P-407) of LPL by maintaining wild type and MCK-L0 mice on diets with different vitamin A content or administering them an oral gavage dose of [(3)H]retinol with or without P-407 treatment. We showed that LPL expressed in placenta facilitates uptake of retinoids by this organ and their transfer to the embryo, mainly through its catalytic activity. In addition, through its "bridging function," LPL can mediate the acquisition of nascent chylomicrons by the placenta, although less efficiently. Quantitative real-time PCR and Western blot analysis showed that placental LPL acts in concert with LDL receptor and LRP1. Finally, by knocking out the retinol-binding protein (RBP) gene in the MCK-L0 background (MCK-L0-RBP(-/-) mice) we demonstrated that the placenta acquires dietary retinoids also via the maternal circulating RBP-retinol complex. RBP expressed in the placenta facilitate the transfer of postprandial retinoids across the placental layers toward the embryo.