Recently an increasing number of reports of clinical experience have been published on nipple-sparing mastectomy. By the preservation of uninvolved skin and the nipple areola complex, this surgical technique greatly facilitates immediate reconstruction and optimal aesthetic outcome. However, the procedure raises serious oncologic concerns regarding the risk of an occult or a newly formed primary tumor due to parenchyma left behind in the nipple and the retroareola. Despite the ever increasing popularity of the method, there is still no evidence based confirmation to it. According to data from scientific literature on nipple-sparing mastectomy, there is no straightforward consequence to be drawn on oncologic safety; therefore the procedure is not generally considered to be alternative to standard mastectomy. In the indication of risk reduction, justification of the intervention seems to be well supported, and is expected to foster a greater rate of acceptance of surgical prophylaxis in patients with higher risk diseases. The procedure should be carried out possibly in the framework of clinical trials, in well selected patients with suitable preoperative and postoperative examinations, applying precise techniques and adequate patient education, according to international guidelines. Further long-term results are needed to form a substantive expert opinion. Authors give a detailed description of the surgical techniques, and provide a wide review of the literature, for the first time in Hungarian language.