Alternative configuration for an optical ring resonator angular rate sensor by using a standard laser diode

Appl Opt. 2011 Jul 10;50(20):3449-54. doi: 10.1364/AO.50.003449.


In this work, we present an alternative approach to angular velocity optical sensing based on two-ring resonators. This configuration admits the use of a standard laser diode source (0.1 nm, 10,000 MHz, FWHM) reaching higher sensitivities when narrow spectral laser sources (1 MHz, FWHM) are used. We compare this configuration with the standard single-ring resonator angular rate sensor (SRARS), which must use a narrow laser at input. Finally, we conclude that the sensitivity of this new approach can also be enhanced by coupling high-power broadband laser sources in a large range (from 1°/h to 10,000°/h), reaching performance similar to that of a standard SRARS configuration.