Background: The Brazilian Society of Dermatology of the State of Sao Paulo (SBD-RESP), supported by the Sao Paulo State Foundation Against Leprosy and acting jointly with Sao Paulo State Services of Dermatology, accredited by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, launched the campaign "SBD-RESP in active search for leprosy cases".
Objectives: To assist the National Leprosy Control Program in eliminating Hansen's disease.
Methods: All of the Sao Paulo State Services of Dermatology, accredited by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, were invited to join the campaign. The 17 Services which accepted to participate received a spreadsheet of data and models of informative materials about the disease. The campaign lasted from May to July 2010. At the end of the campaign, each Service sent the spreadsheet data for statistical analysis.
Results: 1,718 people were examined and 90 cases of Hansen's disease were diagnosed. Most of the individuals infected were male and white and presented similar percentages of multibacillary and paucibacillary groups. Twelve percent had a family history of leprosy. The highest number of cases was detected in Sao Paulo city, followed by the region of Presidente Prudente, located in the countryside of Sao Paulo State. The detection rate in children younger than 15 years old was 4%.
Conclusion: The campaign results show the importance of the SBD-RESP initiative. It is suggested that similar actions be repeated and extended to other regional offices of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology.