The introduction of prostate cancer treatment centers according to the criteria of the German Cancer Society ("Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft", DKG) aims at improving the quality of care for patients with prostate cancer. Systematic analyses of the effects and costs are lacking as yet. Three years after certification of the Interdisciplinary Prostate Cancer Center at the Charité Hospital Berlin we observed a decrease in the rate of positive surgical margins (tumor stage pT2), but other parameters of treatment quality including patient satisfaction remained unchanged. A survey among urologists of the region showed a high acceptance of prostate cancer centers in general. The majority of participating urologists appreciated the work of the Charité center, in particular the treatment recommendations given by the center were mostly followed and the majority of urologists regularly use educational activities of the center. However, only 30% of the participating urologists confirmed short-term improvements in the quality of patient care. Yearly additional costs for the Charité prostate cancer center are estimated at 205,000 euro (precertification phase and certification) and 138,000 euro (monitoring phase), despite the initial drop in mean treatment costs per case (radical prostatectomy). The introduction of prostate cancer treatment centers certified by the DKG is cost intensive, increases in treatment efficiency notwithstanding. Short-term improvements in quality of care cannot be unequivocally demonstrated. Prostate cancer centers serve an important role in counseling and medical education and may thus help disseminate evidence-based treatment strategies.