Production of functional eggs requires meiosis to be coordinated with developmental signals. Oocytes arrest in prophase I to permit oocyte differentiation, and in most animals, a second meiotic arrest links completion of meiosis to fertilization. Comparison of oocyte maturation and egg activation between mammals, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Drosophila reveal conserved signaling pathways and regulatory mechanisms as well as unique adaptations for reproductive strategies. Recent studies in mammals and C. elegans show the role of signaling between surrounding somatic cells and the oocyte in maintaining the prophase I arrest and controlling maturation. Proteins that regulate levels of active Cdk1/cyclin B during prophase I arrest have been identified in Drosophila. Protein kinases play crucial roles in the transition from meiosis in the oocyte to mitotic embryonic divisions in C. elegans and Drosophila. Here we will contrast the regulation of key meiotic events in oocytes.