An efficient surface anchoring strategy of tolylterpyridine-tagged DNA single strands (ssDNA-ttpy) synthesized on gold electrodes is reported. The method is based on exchange reactions between Fe(II)bis-terpyridine complexed SAMs and ssDNA-ttpy, and allows efficient hybrydization of the cDNA strands. Moreover, by using low-current focused ion beam lithography, micropatterned arrays are obtained, homogeneously covered with ssDNA-ttpy. The surface adsorption kinetics of ssDNA-ttpy, as well as its hybridization efficiency, was monitored by in situ quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) technique. The effective confinement of the ssDNA-ttpy at the micrometer level has been monitored by time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and ellipsometric surface imaging experiments, providing laterally resolved chemical and topographic mapping.