SAR-943 (32-deoxo rapamycin) is a proliferation signal inhibitor via interaction with the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Most importantly, SAR-943 has improved chemical stability compared to rapamycin (sirolimus) and is currently under investigation as a drug coated on coronary stents. It was the goal of this study to identify the SAR-943 metabolites generated after incubation with human liver microsomes using high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) and MS/iontrap (MS(n)) and comparison of fragmentation patterns of the metabolites with those of SAR-943 and other known rapamycin derivatives. Our study showed that SAR-943 is mainly hydroxylated and/or demethylated by human liver microsomes. The structures of the following metabolites were identified: O-demethylated metabolites: 39-O-desmethyl, 16-O-desmethyl and 27-O-desmethyl SAR-943; hydroxylated metabolites: hydroxy piperidine SAR-943, 11-hydroxy, 12-hydroxy, 14-hydroxy, 23-hydroxy, 24-hydroxy, 25-hydroxy, 46-hydroxy and 49-hydroxy SAR-943; didemethylated metabolites: 16,39-O-didesmethyl and 27,39-O-didesmethyl SAR-943; demethylated-hydroxylated metabolites: 39-O-desmethyl, 23- or 24-hydroxy and 39-O-desmethyl, hydroxy piperidine SAR-943 and dihydroxylated metabolites: 12-,23- or 24-dihydroxy SAR-943. In addition, several other demethylated-hydroxylated and dihydroxylated metabolites were detected. However, their exact structures could not be identified.
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