This study characterized the within- and between-child variability in dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP) levels in the urine of 44 children living in an agricultural community in central Washington State in December 1997 and 1999. The goal of this analysis was to investigate these variability components during periods when organophosphate pesticides were and were not actively applied to orchards in that community. Each child provided between 10 and 26 biweekly urine samples over a 21-month period, and these samples were analyzed for six dialkylphosphate (DAP) metabolites common to organophosphate pesticides, including DMTP. Previous analysis of this dataset found that DAP concentrations were elevated during months when organophosphate pesticides were applied to orchards in this region. The current analysis demonstrates that the within-child component of day-to-day variability was much greater than the between-child component of variability by a factor of 3-7 across the DAP metabolites that were analyzed. Therefore, organophosphate pesticide exposure appeared to vary more than 3 times from day-to-day than from child-to-child. This finding has important implications for epidemiologic and exposure pathways research, since accounting for within-child variability may increase the power of a study and allow for the detection of differences that would not otherwise be possible without an analysis that separates out the within-child variability.
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