The following DNA fragments were studied: T5A5, U5G5, C5G5, RI (CCGAATTCGG), and RV (CCGATATCGG). The ligated decamers were run on 8% polyacrylamide gel. The PAGE anomaly was measured by the R-factor. Under standard conditions R is maximum for A5G5 and U5A5 (R = 1.9-2.0); R has intermediate values for RI and T5A5 (R200 = 1.05-1.10). T5A5 exhibits unusual non-monotonous temperature dependence of the R-factor, which reaches its maximum at 35 degrees C. Based on this fact we make two conclusions: (i) PAGE anomaly is highly sensitive to the DNA winding angle tau, (ii) tau = 36 degrees for T5A5 under these conditions. For A5G5, RI and RV the temperature dependence of the R-factor is conventional: R monotonously decreases. Conceivably tau less than 36 degrees for these sequences. In the presence of 10 mM of MgCl2 the anomaly increase for all fragments, except for T5A5; e.g. for C5G5R150 R200 = 1.2. This testifies to the moderate curvature of C5G5. The results of the measurements were interpreted on the basis of the wedge AA and junction An/B models. To get a better agreement with the experiment these models should be supplemented with the bends in the YR dimers (TA, CG, CA) directed into the major groove and with the bends in AT directed into the minor groove.