Patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) may gradually develop significant valve dysfunction, whereas others remain free of dysfunction. Factors that determine the prognosis of BAV remain unclear. Because endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have a role in the repair of endothelial surfaces after injury, we hypothesized that EPCs may also be involved in preventing BAV degeneration. Accordingly, we compared EPC level and function in patients with BAV with versus without valve dysfunction. The study group included 22 patients with BAV and significant valve dysfunction (at least moderate aortic regurgitation and/or at least moderate aortic stenosis). The control group included 28 patients with BAV without valve dysfunction. All patients had 1 blood sample taken. Proportion of peripheral mononuclear cells expressing vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2, CD133 and CD34 was evaluated by flow cytometry. EPC colony-forming units (CFUs) were grown from peripheral mononuclear cells, characterized, and counted after 7 days of culture. The 2 groups had similar clinical characteristics except for higher prevalence of hypertension in the dysfunctional valve group. Number of EPC CFUs was smaller in the dysfunctional valve group (32 CFUs/plate, 15 to 42.5, vs 48 CFUs/plate, 30 to 62.5, respectively, p = 0.01), and the migratory capacity of the cells in this group was decreased. In addition, the proportion of cells coexpressing vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2, CD133, and CD34 tended to be smaller in the dysfunctional valve group. In conclusion, patients with BAV and significant valve dysfunction appear to have circulating EPCs with impaired functional properties. These findings require validation by further studies.
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