Prognostic relevance of detection of ligands for vertebrate galectins and a Lewis(Y)-specific monoclonal antibody

Int J Oncol. 1996 Nov;9(5):893-900. doi: 10.3892/ijo.9.5.893.


Tissue sections taken from 157 potentially curatively operated lung carcinoma patients (70 epidermoid carcinomas, 68 adenocarcinomas, 15 large cell anaplastic, and 4 small cell anaplastic carcinomas) were examined by a standardized histochemical protocol in a prospective study evaluating the extent of various types of probes to serve as prognostic indicators in lung cancer. Detailed clinical records and survival data (minimum 56 weeks, maximum 96 weeks) were correlated to the results of the histochemical reactions. The study centres on monitoring the expression of galactoside-containing epitopes in tumor cells by human, animal and plant lectins: and with a monoclonal antibody. In addition, affinity-purified subfractions of natural antibodies from human serum with preferential affinity to alpha- and beta-galactosides, respectively, were employed. Significant contributions to the estimation of the survival of patients are given by clinical parameters (pT, pN stage), number of resected and positive lymph nodes and presence of tumor metastases into specific lymph nodes (No. 5 and No. 6 right and left). With respect to the relevance of subsets of beta-galactosides, the galectin from chicken liver (CL-16) and the Le(y)-specific monoclonal antibody unveiled a negative correlation at a statistically significant level. The predictive value of binding of the animal lectin CL-16 was especially pronounced for patients with advanced tumor stages, pointing to a potential role of such lectin-reactive beta-galactosides in late tumor stages or progression.