In nature, mineralization of hard tissues occurs due to the synergistic effect of components present in the organic matrix of these tissues, with templating and catalytic effects. In Suberites domuncula, a well-studied example of the class of demosponges, silica formation is mediated and templated by an axial proteinaceous filament with silicatein-α, one of the main components. But so far, the effect of other organic constituents from the proteinaceous filament on the catalytic effect of silicatein-α has not been studied in detail. Here we describe the synthesis of core-shell TiO(2)@SiO(2) and TiO(2)@ZrO(2) nanofibers via grafting of silicatein-α onto a TiO(2) nanowire backbone followed by a coassembly of silintaphin-1 through its specifically interacting domains. We show for the first time a linker-free, one-step funtionalization of metal oxides with silicatein-α using glutamate tag. In the presence of silintaphin-1 silicatein-α facilitates the formation of a dense layer of SiO(2) or ZrO(2) on the TiO(2)@protein backbone template. The immobilization of silicatein-α onto TiO(2) probes was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), optical light microscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The coassembly of silicatein-α and silintaphin-1 may contribute to biomimetic approaches that pursue a controlled formation of patterned biosilica-based biomaterials.