Sleep studies often observe differences in slow wave activity (SWA) during non-rapid eye movement sleep between subjects. This study investigates to what extent these absolute differences in SWA can be explained with differences in grey matter volume, white matter volume or the thickness of skull and outer liquor rooms. To do this, we selected the 10-min interval showing maximal SWA of 20 young adult subjects and correlated these values lobe-wise with grey matter, skull and liquor thickness and globally with white matter as well as segments of the corpus callosum. Whereas grey matter, skull thickness and liquor did not correlate significantly with maximal slow wave activity, there were significant correlations with the anterior parts of the corpus callosum and with one other white matter region. In contrast, electroencephalogram power of higher frequencies correlates positively with grey matter volumes and cortical surface area. We discuss the possible role of white matter tracts on the synchronization of slow waves across the cortex.
2011 European Sleep Research Society.