As a second line therapy after failure to previous therapies, a combination therapy with MPA 1,200 mg po and 5'DFUR 1,200 mg po daily was given to 31 patients with recurrent breast cancer. At a median follow up period of 18 months, the overall response rate was 42%. The response rates for bone and visceral lesions were still good for the second line therapy. Patients previously exposed to tamoxifen (24 patients), 5-FU or its derivatives (21) and/or adriamycin (18) had response rates of 42%, 33%, 33%, respectively. The median duration of response in responders was 10 months. The overall median survival for the entire series was 9 months after start of the treatment. Thirteen (81%) of 16 patients with bone lesions were relieved from their bone pain. It is of special interest that the pain relief was also obtained in 7 out of 10 NC/PD patients with bone lesions, resulting in much improvement of their performance status. Side effects included obesity 52%, edema of the leg 35%, diarrhea 16% and so on. One patient developed venous thrombosis of her lower extremities and 4 were suspected to have the same condition. Fifty-five % of the patients underwent dose reduction of MPA at the 5th month of treatment in a median. This combination therapy is useful for recurrent disease even in late stages, so long as close observation is made for the occurrence of thrombosis.