Background: The D-Amino acid oxidase activator (G72 or DAOA) is believed to play a key role in the regulation of central glutamatergic transmission which is seen to be altered in psychosis. It is thought to regulate D-amino acid oxidase (DAO), which metabolizes D-serine, a co-agonist of NMDA-type glutamate receptors and to be involved in dendritic arborization. Linkage, genetic association and expression studies have implicated the G72 gene in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Aims: To examine the influence of G72 variation on brain function in the healthy population.
Method: Fifty healthy volunteers were assessed using functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing a verbal fluency task. Regional brain activation and task-dependent functional connectivity during word generation was compared between different rs746187 genotypes.
Results: G72 rs746187 genotype had a significant effect on activation in the left postcentral and supramarginal gyri (FWE P < 0.05), and on the task-dependent functional coupling of this region with the retrosplenial cingulate gyrus (FWE P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Our results may reflect an effect of G72 on glutamatergic transmission, mediated by an influence on D-amino acid oxidase activity, on brain areas particularly relevant to the hypoglutamatergic model of psychosis.
Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.