Massive retropubic hematoma after minimal invasive mid-urethral sling procedure in a patient with a corona mortis

Indian J Urol. 2010 Oct;26(4):577-9. doi: 10.4103/0970-1591.74467.


New and minimal invasive single incision mid-urethral sling procedures are available for treating female stress urinary incontinence. We present a case of a massive retropubic hematoma in a patient with a "corona mortis" artery following a minimal invasive sling procedure. The patient was managed conservatively. The hematoma resolved and the patient remained continent after surgery. Nature and symptoms of sling-related complications should prompt the diagnosis and appropriate postoperative management. One should always be conscious of possible vascular anomalies that might lead to unexpected complications.

Keywords: Arterial anomaly; corona mortis; hematoma; mid-urethral sling; minimal invasive; sling procedure.

Publication types

  • Case Reports