In dogs Helicobacter spp. are found in all gastric regions usually localized in the surface mucus, gastric glands and parietal cells. The aim of this study was to detail the distribution of Helicobacter spp. in the fundic mucosa of asymptomatic Beagle dogs and their intracellular localization within parietal cells, in order to evaluate species-specific pathogenetic effects on gastric cells. The presence of Helicobacter spp. was investigated by immunohistochemistry, TEM, and PCR in the fundic mucosa of six Beagle dogs. Helicobacter spp. were found in all dogs examined, and H. bizzozeronii and H. felis were identified by PCR and confirmed by TEM. In the lumen of the fundic glands, co-localization was common. H. bizzozeronii was present in larger numbers than H. felis in both intraluminal and intraparietal localization. The amounts of H. bizzozeronii were similar in superficial and basal portions of the glands. H. felis was predominantly localized in the superficial portions of gastric glands but almost absent from the base. Within parietal cells, most Helicobacter organisms were intracanalicular, but intact and degenerate Helicobacter organisms were also visualized free in the cytoplasm or in secondary lysosomes. No specific degenerative lesions were found in infected parietal cells. Helicobacter organisms were also observed within macrophages in the lamina propria. In conclusion, there is a differential distribution of H. bizzozeronii and H. felis in the fundic mucosa of Beagle dogs, and their intracellular localization in parietal cells and macrophages suggests novel pathogenic scenarios for the development of immune response and maintenance of chronic gastritis in dogs.