Reversible endotoxic shock was induced in adult rats by intravenous injection of E. coli 0111:B4 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the progression of metabolic and morphological alterations was evaluated. Serum samples and biopsies from adrenal gland, liver and lung were studied at different times after LPS injection. Histological changes in these tissues were observed after endotoxin administration, coinciding with both the acute-phase and the recovery-phase of shock (24-72h after LPS injection). Signs of tissue regeneration can be correlated with the regression of some serum parameters to their normal values. All these results indicate that in this experimental model of endotoxic shock, a reversible status was established, which will allow further studies of the endotoxic pathophysiological mechanisms in vivo, avoiding the complexity of the non-reversible process.