In front of kidney transplants shortage, the alternative of living donor renal transplantation is discussed. The purpose of this work is to compare, in 16 European countries and of North America having a consequent activity, the levels of living donor renal transplantation activities and their possible impact on kidney shortage, usually reported in a fragmented and punctual way. In 2009 and in spite of a light growth, the French rate of 3,5 living donor kidney transplantation per million people (pmp) was one of the weakest just before Italy and Finland. Numerous countries exceeded the rate of 14 pmp. Others as Spain and Portugal know a regular growth while their transplant activity was mainly based on brain dead donor. This growth is also observed in Germany and in Austria. France, in spite of an increase of kidney transplantation activity, had a high level of kidney shortage (2,7 patients registered on the waiting list in 2009 for one kidney transplant) before Italy which has low rate of living kidney transplant activity, Portugal, with a recent growth of transplant activity, but also the United States with high incidence of end stage renal disease and the United Kingdom which has a low rate of brain dead donors. For these last ones, France have one of the highest rates but it seems to reach a ceiling for 3 years. This report should lead a real strategy of the transplant from kidney living donor with a support for the healthcare professionals, the information of the general public, the patients and their family.
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