Many studies of hemispatial neglect patients have indicated that spatial attention processes operate similarly in visual space and number space. However, some studies have indicated a dissociation of processing between visual line bisection and mental number bisection. A number of investigations have suggested that schizophrenic patients show a mild right pseudo-neglect on visual line bisection tasks. The present study was designed to determine if a functional link exists between performance of visual line and number line bisection in schizophrenic patients. Groups of 40 schizophrenic patients and 40 controls performed each bisection task. In the visual line bisection task, schizophrenic patients showed a significant leftward bias relative to the healthy controls for 9 different line lengths. No significant difference in bias was found between the 2 groups on the mental line bisection task. These results indicated that schizophrenic patients may exhibit attention deficit with respect to visual space but not number space, suggestive of the dissociation of processing between visual line bisection and mental number line bisection. These results provide more insight into the correlation between the visual line and number bisection tasks in schizophrenic patients.
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