Epileptic seizures are clinical manifestations of neuronal discharges characterized by hyperexcitability and/or hypersynchrony in the cortex and other subcortical regions. The pilocarpine (PILO) model of epilepsy mimics temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in humans. In the present study, we used a more selective approach: microinjection of PILO into the hilus of the dentate gyrus (H-PILO). Our main goal was to evaluate the behavioral and morphological alterations present in this model of TLE. Seventy-six percent of all animals receiving H-PILO injections had continuous seizures called status epilepticus (SE). A typical pattern of evolution of limbic seizures during the SE with a latency of 29.3 ± 16.3 minutes was observed using an analysis of behavioral sequences. During the subsequent 30 days, 71% of all animals exhibited spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRSs) during a daily 8-hour videotaping session. These SRSs had a very conspicuous and characteristic pattern detected by behavioral sequences or neuroethiological analysis. Only the animals that had SE showed positive Neo-Timm staining in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus (sprouting) and reduced cell density in Ammon's horn pyramidal cell subfield CA1. However, no correlation between the intensity of sprouting and the mean number and total number of SRSs was found. Additionally, using Fluoro-Jade staining, we observed neurodegeneration in the hilus and pyramidal cell subfields CA3 and CA1 24 hours after SE. These data indicate that H-PILO is a reliable, selective, efficient, low-mortality model that mimics the acute and chronic behavioral and morphological aspects of TLE.
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