Objectives: We compared estimated population-based health outcomes for New York City (NYC) homeless families with NYC residents overall and in low-income neighborhoods.
Methods: We matched a NYC family shelter user registry to mortality, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and blood lead test registries maintained by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (2001-2003).
Results: Overall adult age-adjusted death rates were similar among the 3 populations. HIV/AIDS and substance-use deaths were 3 and 5 times higher for homeless adults than for the general population; only substance-use deaths were higher than for low-income adults. Children who experienced homelessness appeared to be at an elevated risk of mortality (41.3 vs 22.5 per 100,000; P < .05). Seven in 10 adult and child deaths occurred outside shelter. Adult HIV/AIDS diagnosis rates were more than twice citywide rates but comparable with low-income rates, whereas tuberculosis rates were 3 times higher than in both populations. Homeless children had lower blood lead testing rates and a higher proportion of lead levels over 10 micrograms per deciliter than did both comparison populations.
Conclusions: Morbidity and mortality levels were comparable between homeless and low-income adults; homeless children's slightly higher risk on some measures possibly reflects the impact of poverty and poor-quality, unstable housing.