Training in surgery has for a long time been based on the classical model of master-apprentice, leading to the creation of "schools" comparable to the famous painter schools of Rubens, Rembrandt and many others during the Middle Ages. Although it may offer some advantages, this model is no longer suitable today. Modern vascular surgery covers several fields, including not only open vascular and endovascular treatment, but also non-invasive diagnosis and medical treatment of vascular diseases in different parts of the human body. However, the goal of training remains the formation of a "holistic vascular surgeon", with knowledge of and experience in all these areas. As most training centers are more focused on and have more expertise in one or some of these areas, an ideal training curriculum would consist of a rotation between different centers with different points of attention and possibly even rotations in other specialties, such as interventional radiology, vascular medicine or ultrasonography. Such an exchange cannot only be beneficial for the trainee but contact with trainees with a different background can also offer an added value to the training center. Thanks to new ways of communication and transportation, exchange of trainees, even in different countries, has become much easier. Nevertheless, a problem often arises concerning the requirements for training as, despite the many efforts already undertaken, it still differs significantly between different countries. The development of a core-curriculum and mutual recognition of training centers is urgently needed and further steps in the harmonization of training programs and requirements need to be stimulated.