The number of travellers returning with animal bites from rabies enzootic areas has increased in Greece. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of travel-associated risk and preventive measures for rabies. A questionnaire was sent to Travel Medicine consultants in all prefectures. Of 100 Travel Medicine consultants, advice about rabies was given to long-term travellers, business travellers, travellers to rural areas, and travellers engaged in animal activities in rabies enzootic countries by 44%, 22%, 58%, and 75% of them respectively. Avoidance of animals, post-exposure medical assistance, return back to their country, and special caution about children was recommended by 89%, 95%, 8%, and 65% of them, respectively. Rabies pre-exposure vaccination was recommended for travellers to rural areas, long-term travellers, and travellers engaged in animal activities by 61%, 35%, and 81% of them, respectively. Regarding post-exposure vaccination, 78% and 37% answered correctly with regards to travellers with no pre-exposure prophylaxis and travellers with pre-exposure prophylaxis, respectively. Counselling about rabies and management of risk exposure needs to be improved. Our findings indicate the need to promote continuous training in Travel Medicine in Greece and provide practical information about rabies prophylaxis.
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