Core auditory cortices are organized in parallel pathways that process incoming sensory information differently. In the rat, sound filtering properties of the primary (A1) and ventral (VAF) auditory fields are markedly different, yet both are core regions that by definition receive most of their thalamic input from the ventral nucleus (MGBv) of the medial geniculate body (MGB). For example, spike rate responses to sound intensity and frequency are more narrowly resolved in VAF vs. A1. Here we question whether there are anatomic correlates of the marked differences in response properties in these two core auditory fields. Combined Fourier optical imaging and multiunit recording methods were used to map tone frequency responses with high spatial resolution in A1, VAF, and neighboring cortices. The cortical distance representing a given octave was similar, yet response frequency resolution was about twice as large in VAF as in A1. Retrograde tracers were injected into low- and high-isofrequency contours of both regions to compare MGBv label patterns. The distance between clusters of MGBv neurons projecting to low- and high-isofrequency contours in the cortex was twice as large in caudal as in rostral MGB. This suggests that differences in A1 and VAF frequency resolution are related to the anatomic spatial resolution of frequency laminae in the thalamus, supporting a growing consensus that antecedents of cortical specialization can be attributed in part to the structural and functional characteristics of thalamocortical inputs.
© 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.