Introduction and hypothesis: The study aims to report an extended follow-up of our case series of sacrohysteropexy for pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
Methods: Fifty-five patients with symptomatic POP underwent uterus sparing surgery. All patients were followed up for 1, 3, 6 and 12 months and then annually. Objective success was defined as a well-supported cervix and no vaginal prolapse stage ≥ 2. Subjective success was no prolapse-related symptoms or voiding disorder.
Results: The mean follow-up was 60 ± 34 months. Anterior compartment prolapse (cystocele) stage ≥ 2 was present in four out of 52 patients (7.7%), while posterior compartment prolapse (rectocele) stage ≥ 2 was present in three (5.7%). Voiding symptoms were resolved in 42 out of 45 patients (93.4%) and storage symptoms in 30 out of 36 (83.3%); one patient reported de novo urgency. Sexual activity was maintained in 28 out of 29 patients (95.5%). Four patients showed de novo stress urinary incontinence.
Conclusion: Our findings support the use of uterus preservation, with significative objective and subjective outcomes in treating POP.