This investigation was aimed at increasing both accuracy and performance of systems used to obtain and measure V(max) (dV/dt(max)), an important yet underevaluated physiological parameter. A method is presented to correct measured V(max) (V(mes)) based on an algorythm adapted to 2 tested systems: IOX and DataPac. We also investigated 89 rabbit Purkinje fibres (before and 30 min following drugs effective on ventricular repolarization) to derive experimental electrophysiological correlations. In fact, no method may be reliable without knowing its accuracy over a large scale of representative physiological values. This is why it is essential to estimate accuracy, precision and fidelity of systems aimed at action potential recording before pharmacological or pathophysiological investigations are performed, even more if therapeutical consequences might ensue. A formula is presented to obtain real V(max), based on V(mes) [V(max)=V(mes)/1 - (tau.V(mes)/APA)(2.p)], where tau=49.64 µs, p=0.72 and APA=action potential amplitude. This formula is reliable up to V(max) values of 1000 V/s which may be seen in rabbit Purkinje fibres, a classical model for in vitro studies. Using this formula may have practical implications in cellular electrophysiology which may impact on safety pharmacology and therapeutics.