By special screening approach two independent Cl. thermocellum genes directing the synthesis of thermostable glucanases with an exo-mode of action have been isolated from pUC19-based gene bank in E. coli TG1. The genes are located on 3.4 and 11.3 kb DNA fragments showing no homology. E. coli-derived exoglucanases, presumably, cellobiohydrolases, are able to cleave lichenan, carboxymethyl cellulose, xylan and p-nitrophenyl derivatives of cellobioside and lactoside. Cellobiose is the main degradation product of carboxymethyl cellulose, treated with the identified exoglucanases. With p-nitrophenil-beta-D-cellobioside as substrate the enzymes had a pH optimum around 6.5 and a temperature optimum at 65 degrees C. The identified and expressed enzymes differ from all other Cl. thermocellum proteins known to date.