Cryptococcal lung disease is usually diagnosed by chest X-ray abnormalities. Although no treatment exists for asymptomatically immunocompetent patients, a case with central nervous system (CNS) involvement as cryptococcus dissemination had a new chest X-ray abnormality during marked eosinophilia diagnosed as pulmonary cryptococcosis by lung biopsy. Eosinophilia may thus be associated with pulmonary cryptococcosis. We had seen reports of disseminated cryptococcosis with eosinophilia, so we conducted lumbar puncture and blood culture, but found no disseminated lesion or CNS involvement. Eosinophilia association with disseminated cryptococcosis has been reported, but not pulmonary cryptococcosis with solitary localized lung lesion with marked eosinophilia, making our case the first, in so far as we know reported of pulmonary cryptococcosis with a solitary localized lung lesion with marked eosinophilia.