Aims: Uraemia is a disease characterised by a significant oxidative stress, and it is a wide agreement that oxidative stress which accompanies uraemia, increases the inflammatory state and promotes the alterations of tiny molecules such as amino acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. There are numerous records of how ROS are connected to the pathology of end stage renal disease (ESRD). The aim of this study is to assess the Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC), the Thiolic Capacity (TC) and the Pro-Oxidant Capacity (POC) in the serum of patients undergoing dialysis treatment.
Materials and methods: Forthy-six patients have been recruited (32 men, 14 women; mean age 68.5±15.8) who received hemodialytic treatment triweekly. Three methods have been used: oxy adsorbent test (mmol/l) to determine TAC values; d-ROM test (mg/100 mg/H₂O₂) to determine POC; SHp-test (mmol/l) to determine TC.
Results: In patients who underwent hemodialysis, TAC levels were: pre-dialysis, 265.9±30.5; post-dialysis, 300.0±40.6; TC levels: pre-dialysis, 267.4±59.1; post-dialysis, 303.2±116.7; POC levels: predialysis, 86.2±16.9; post-dialysis, 98.6±17.0; NS: TAC, 335.6±46.3; TC, 434.0±22.2; POC, 56.3±7.4. TAC in both pre- and post-dialysis is reduced compared to the NS (p < 0.05); moreover TAC increases after dialysis (p < 0.05). Pre- and post-dialysis TC is reduced compared to NS (p < 0.05); available TC increases after dialysis, although not statistically significant. Pre- and post-dialysis POC in patients undergoing dialysis is increased compared to the NS (p < 0.05); moreover, POC tends to increase after dialysis ( p < 0.05). The data obtained from our study also show that the TAC is reduced in the patients subjected to hemodialysis compared to the NS, both before and after dialysis treatment; TAC increased after dialysis, even though it did not reach the level of the control group.
Conclusion: Our study has demonstrated that exists a profound imbalance between antioxidants and the production of ROS in ESRD patients, which determines oxidative stress and eventually leads to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular complications. This, in turn, represents the major cause of morbidity and mortality in these patients.