Aim: NYHA classification divides into four classes. Although subjective and lacking of standardization, NYHA class II is in clinical practice often further subgrouped in IIA and IIB, where IIA class can be defined as dyspnea after running or climbing ≥ 2 ramps of stairs, and IIB class as dyspnea after fast walking or climbing 2 ramps of stairs. Validation of NYHA IIA and IIB sub-grouping was performed with left ventricular dysfunction questionnaire (LVD-36) results and echocardiographic left ventricular ejection fraction.
Methods: The study includes a total of 127 patients with both systolic and diastolic heart failure (mean age 65 ± 17, range 38-85 years). Sixteen patients were in NYHA class I, 81 patients in NYHA class II (45 in class IIA and 36 in class IIB) and 30 in class III.
Results: In class IIA patients' mean age was 64 ± 9 years, LVD-36 score 31.79 ± 14.06, EF 43 ± 10% (P = ns, P<0.001 and P=ns, respectively, vs. class I patients). In class IIB patients' mean age was 67 ± 10 years, LVD-36 score 48.90 ± 15.51, EF 39 ± 12% (P = ns, P < 0.0001 and P = ns, respectively, vs. IIA patients). In class III patients' mean age was 65 ± 11 years, LVD-36 score 65.17 ± 16.35, EF 32.77 ± 12.91% (P = ns, P < 0.01 and P = ns, respectively, compared with class IIB).
Conclusion: NYHA class II sub-grouping appears an accurate method of classification and could represent a further useful tool in monitoring functional capacity of heart failure patients. NYHA class II sub-grouping correlates well with patients functional impairment and can therefore be implemented as an accurate method to better characterize heart failure patients.