Objectives: In chronic HIV-1 infection, the efficacy of a cellular immune response may decline if the virus evolves into variants not recognized by host immune response. The aim of this study was to explore HIV-1 immune escape mutations imposed by therapeutic immunization by investigating sequence variations that might contribute to relapse of viremia in an immunized, HIV-1-infected cohort.
Design: We have previously immunized HIV-1-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART) with a mixture of four short peptides (Vacc-4x) corresponding to p24. Long postimmunization periods without ART allowed longitudinal sequence studies of regions corresponding to Vacc-4x.
Methods: Regions of gag p24 including the locations of the Vacc-4x peptides, were sequenced before start of ART, and after postimmunization ART stop (n = 27). Rates and locations of amino acid substitutions were then related to peptide-specific T-cell responses and known epitopes presented by Vacc-4x.
Results: The overall rate of amino acid substitutions was low during 35 months (median) of postimmunization viremia, with similar rates of substitution within the regions corresponding to Vacc-4x peptides and other p24 regions despite durable Vacc-4x-specific T-cell responses. Postimmunization amino acid substitutions within Vacc-4x regions were detected in only six patients, and only two of them had measurable T-cell responses against the relevant peptide.
Conclusions: The results suggested low prevalence of evolutionary selection of p24 despite new and long-lasting Vacc-4x-specific T-cell responses. The conserved Vacc-4x sequences might therefore be particularly suited for therapeutic immunization. Generally, studies of longitudinal sequence variations after immunization might be valuable when assessing immune escape in HIV vaccine trials.