This article describes the structure and assembly of bacteriophage PRD1, a lipid-containing virus able to infect Escherichia coli. This phage, with an approximate diameter of 65 nm, is composed of an outer protein shell surrounding a lipid-protein membrane which, in turn, encloses the nucleic acid. The phage genome consists of a single linear dsDNA molecule of about 15 kb that has a protein covalently linked to each of its 5' ends. This protein is used as a primer in DNA replication. During assembly membrane proteins are inserted into the host cytoplasmic membrane while major capsid protein multimers are found in the cytoplasm. Capsid multimers, assisted by two nonstructural assembly factors, are capable of translocating the virus-specific membrane resulting in the formation of cytoplasmic empty particles. Subsequent DNA packaging leads to the formation of infections virus.