Measurement of anomalously strong emission from the 1s-9p transition in the spectrum of H-like phosphorus following charge exchange with molecular hydrogen

Phys Rev Lett. 2010 Aug 6;105(6):063201. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.063201. Epub 2010 Aug 5.


We have measured K-shell x-ray spectra of highly ionized argon and phosphorus following charge exchange with molecular hydrogen at low collision energy in an electron beam ion trap using an x-ray calorimeter array with ∼6 eV resolution. We find that the emission at the high end of the Lyman series is greater by a factor of 2 for phosphorus than for argon, even though the measurement was performed concurrently and the atomic numbers are similar. This does not agree with current theoretical models and deviates from the trend observed in previous measurements.