The purpose of our study was to examine the integration of functional MRI (fMRI) information into 3D based planning process of the central nervous system (CNS) malignancies. Between 01.01.2008 and 01.12.2008 four patients with astrocytoma were enrolled to this study. Before the planning process conventional planning CT, postoperative MR and individual functional MRI examinations were delivered. For the functional MRI examination the following four types of stimulus were applied: acoustic, visual, somatosensory and numeral. Three different theoretical planning situations were applied and compared: 3D conformal plan without fMRI information, 3D conformal plan with fMRI information and IMRT plan with fMRI information. For plan comparison DVH analysis, and NTCP model were used. fMRI based OR definition resulted in 4 additional OR's in the contouring process. As these cases demonstrate, an average of 50% dose reduction was achieved in OR, OR2 and OR3 with IMRT and fMRI based 3D planning, especially in case of midline localization and big tumor extent. IMRT provides additional sparing effect in the optic tract and brainstem, especially for localizations close to the midline. Our results demonstrated that using fMRI information in conventional 3D based treatment planning potentially benefits significant dose reduction in critical organs, with no compromise in PTV coverage. fMRI can be widely used even in low grade cases (long life expectancies, lower acute and late toxicity in radiotherapy) and in cases with high grade astrocytomas or metastases (higher dose to PTV with better risk organ sparing in radiotherapy).