The present experiments, utilizing the high-throughput vascular protocol of PhysGen (Program for Genomic Applications) characterized the responses of aortic rings to vasoconstrictor (phenylephrine) and vasodilator (acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside, and reduced tissue bath Po(2)) stimuli in consomic rat strains derived from a cross between the Fawn Hooded Hypertensive rat (FHH/EurMcwi) and the Brown Norway normotensive (BN/NHsdMcwi) rat. The effects of substituting individual BN chromosomes into the FHH genetic background were determined in animals that were maintained on a low-salt (0.4% NaCl) diet or switched to a high-salt (4% NaCl) diet for 3 wk. Sex-specific differences were evaluated in male and female consomic rats on similar dietary salt intake. Multiple chromosomes affected various vascular reactivity phenotypes in the FHH × BN consomic panel, and substantial salt-dependent changes in vascular reactivity and sex-specific differences in aortic reactivity were observed in individual consomic strains. However, compared with earlier studies of consomic rats derived from a cross between the BN rat and the Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) rat, only 3-7% of the vascular phenotypes were affected in a similar manner by substituting specific BN chromosomeschromosomes into the FHH genetic background versus the SS genetic background. The findings of the present study stress the potential value of consomic rat panels in gaining insight into genetic factors influencing vascular reactivity and suggest that the chromosomes that appear to be involved in the determination of aortic ring reactivity in different rodent models of hypertension are highly strain- and sex specific.