Aim: Goal of the study was to evaluate the clinical outcome in cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS) after partial medial epicondylectomy (pME) with objective parameters.
Method: A retrospective analysis was performed in 29 (18 male/11 female) patients with CuTS who underwent pME. Mean time follow-up was 41.4 months. Parameters assessed sensibility (two point discrimination (2PD) and Semmes Weinstein Monofilaments (SW)) of the fifth finger and grip and pinch strength. In addition, elbow range of motion, elbow instability, medial elbow pain, Froment sign and Tinel`s sign were evaluated.
Results: Postoperative static 2PD of the fifth finger was 12.6 mm. SW values on the operated side (mean 3.58; 2.44-6.65) were comparable to the non-operated side (mean 3.28; 2.44-4.93). Tinel's sign over the ulnar sulcus was positive in 13 cases preoperative and in 16 cases postoperatively. Range of motion of the elbow joint achieved normal values in flexion/extension and pronation/supination with no significant difference in comparison to the non-operated side. Froment sign was positive in 2 cases, negative in 23 cases. Grip strength averaged 48.1 kg in man versus 24.4 kg in women. Pinch strength was 8.6 versus 5.3 kg. Grip strength on the operated side reached up to 91.0% values of the opposite arm.
Conclusion: Good postoperative objective results were reached by pME. pME is an adequate treatment option in CuTS.