The promoter and exon 1 of the regulatory subunit (RII beta) of type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase were isolated from a mouse genomic library. The 5'-flanking DNA lacked TATA and CAAT sites but contained GC rich regions typically found in constitutively expressed house keeping genes. Fusion gene constructs, containing RII beta 5'-flanking sequences and the bacterial CAT structural gene, were transfected into NB2a neuroblastoma cells and CHO cells. The NB2a cells expressed high levels of CAT activity. CHO cells expressed CAT activity at 5% of the level seen in the NB2a cells. Transfection of deletion constructs into both cell lines was used to define the core promoter and enhancer elements. The core promoter was situated between bp -291/-121. An enhancer element was located between bp -1426/-1018.