Background: Many different techniques that require the surgeon to harvest autologous tissue to create a neovagina have been described in the literature.
Technique: We describe a technique for creating a neovagina with the use of an acellular dermal allograft as a replacement for split-thickness skin graft. Three patients are presented who had a successful creation of a neovagina with this technique. The indications for vaginoplasty include vaginal agglutination from lichen planus, squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina, and vaginal agenesis.
Conclusion: The creation of a neovagina using an acellular dermal allograft can be successfully accomplished in patients undergoing constructive and exenterative procedures. The use of an acellular dermal allograft decreases operative time and decreases the incidence of postoperative morbidity because harvesting autologous tissue for the neovagina is not required.