Objectives: HPV vaccine acceptability was examined as part of a cohort study of HPV infection among adult males.
Results: Overall, 69% of men reported that they were likely or very likely to be vaccinated against HPV if a prophylactic vaccine were available. Men most frequently cited side effects (69%), efficacy (65%), and safety (63%) as the major factors that would influence their decision to be vaccinated against HPV. Issues of vaccine costs and efficacy were important considerations for men of vaccine-eligible ages (18-26 years). Men who cited cost as a major factor in their HPV vaccine decisions and those indicating cost as a potential barrier had greater intention to be vaccinated. Heterosexual men had less intention to be vaccinated compared to men who have sex with men.
Methods: Between July 2004 and June 2007, 445 adult males aged ≥18 years were enrolled primarily from a university-based population. A structured questionnaire addressed HPV vaccine awareness, attitudes, and intention to be vaccinated.
Conclusion: Acceptability of HPV vaccination among males is generally high. Costs and sexual history may influence vaccine utilization.