We have previously generated a transgenic mouse strain (LSL-TβRI(CA)) containing a Cre-inducible constitutively active TGFβ type I receptor (Bartholin et al., 2008, Genesis 46: 724-731). Transgene expression depends on the excision of a floxed-transcriptional STOP (LSL, Lox-STOP-Lox) located upstream the TβRI(CA) coding sequence. To evaluate the correct excision of the STOP signal in the presence of Cre-recombinase, we developed a rapid screening based on an original PCR genotyping strategy. More precisely, we designed a set of primers flanking the LSL containing region. The size of the amplified products will differ according to recombination status of the LSL-TβRI(CA) allele. Indeed, the size of the STOP containing PCR product is 1.93 kb, but is reduced to 0.35 kb when the STOP signal is removed after Cre-mediated recombination. We validated excision in several compartments, including pancreas, liver, T lymphocytes, and embryos using different Cre expressing transgenic mouse strains. This represents a simple and efficient way of monitoring the tissue specific recombination of the LSL-TβRI(CA) allele.
© 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.