Importance of the field: Cachexia is a syndrome characterized by body weight loss and metabolic abnormalities. It is a frequent feature of patients affected by chronic pathologies, including cancer. Neoplastic patients with cachexia show increased morbidity and mortality rates, benefit less from antineoplastic therapies, and have a poorer quality of life. Among the general mechanisms proposed to account for cachexia, anorexia and altered homeostasis of hormones and cytokines appear to play a major role.
Areas covered in this review: The present review will focus on anti-inflammatory drugs useful for the treatment of cancer-related anorexia and cachexia.
What the reader will gain: Molecules able to block cytokine production or biological activity are currently under evaluation. At present, none of them has been authorized for the clinical treatment of cancer-related anorexia and cachexia, since the few published clinical trials lead to contrasting results, and others are still pending.
Take home message: Considering the multifactorial pathogenesis of cancer-related anorexia and cachexia, combination protocols are probably the better choice. In this regard, anti-cytokine strategies should be pursued and included in the treatment of neoplastic patients, although cytokines modulate a number of processes.