The aim of the present study was to investigate the attachment mechanisms that enable the thermophile Anoxybacillus flavithermus (B12) to attach to stainless-steel surfaces. Passing a B12 culture through a column of stainless-steel chips, collecting the first cells to pass through, re-culturing, and repeating the process six times, resulted in the isolation of a mutant, labeled X7, with tenfold reduced ability to attach to stainless steel as well as a reduced ability to attach to plastic. A comparison of bacterial cell-surface properties indicated that X7 was less hydrophobic than its parental strain B12. Cell-surface charge measurements also suggest that X7 had a lower net-negative surface charge. Disruption of extracellular polysaccharides and DNA appeared to have no effect on the attachment process. Removal of surface proteins caused a reduction in attachment of both B12 and X7, suggesting surface protein involvement in attachment.