Background and objectives: Literature on integration and assessment of a research curriculum into family medicine residency training programs is limited. The objectives of this paper are to describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of a state-wide resident scholarship symposium.
Methods: In 2003, the South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium (SC AHEC) and residency program directors developed an annual resident scholarship symposium. Abstracts are submitted in the categories of case presentation, quality improvement, or clinical research. Subsequently, two half days are devoted to residents' presentation of their research, which is evaluated by a panel of three judges, and awards are given in each category.
Results: A total of 238 residents have presented 176 research projects. Fifteen projects have been presented during the Annual Spring Conference of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM), seven projects have been presented during the Annual Meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), and nine projects have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Resident evaluations have rated the conference overall as good to outstanding.
Conclusions: A state-wide symposium has provided family medicine residents an opportunity to present their scholarly works to a larger audience and is associated with resident projects that have been presented or published on a national level.