Iron is essential for all life, yet can be dangerous under certain conditions. Iron storage by the 24-subunit protein ferritin renders excess amounts of the metal non-reactive and, consequentially, ferritin is crucial for life. Although the mechanism detailing the storage of iron in ferritin has been well characterized, little is known about the fate of ferritin-stored iron and whether it can be released and reutilized for metabolic use within a single cell. Virtually nothing is known about the use of ferritin-derived iron in non-erythroid cells. We therefore attempted to answer the question of whether iron from ferritin can be used for haem synthesis in the murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 cells. Cells treated with ALA (5-aminolaevulinic acid; a precursor of haem synthesis) show increased haem production as determined by enhanced incorporation of transferrin-bound 59Fe into haem. However, the present study shows that, upon the addition of ALA, 59Fe from ferritin cannot be incorporated into haem. Additionally, little 59Fe is liberated from ferritin when haem synthesis is increased upon addition of ALA. In conclusion, ferritin in cultivated macrophages is not a significant source of iron for the cell's own metabolic functions.