Purpose: The accuracy of intraocular lens (IOL) calculation is limited by the variation of the measurement of corneal power, axial length, anterior chamber depth, and effective postoperative lens position. Therefore, IOL predictability is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the novel light adjustable lens (LAL, Calhoun Vision).
Methods: Ten eyes with cataracts (seven patients) were included. After standard phacoemulsification, the LAL was implanted. Two to 3 weeks after surgery, all IOL adjustments had been completed. Preoperatively, pre-adjustment, pre-lock-in, and 1 month post-lock-in, a full ophthalmic examination including objective (autorefraction) and subjective refraction (ie, manifest uncorrected visual acuity [UCVA] and manifest best spectacle-corrected visual acuity [BSCVA]) and topography were performed.
Results: All cataract surgeries were performed with no complications. Two weeks after surgery, the mean refraction was +0.78+/-0.79 diopters (D). After adjustment and lock-in, the refraction was -0.07+/-0.21 D. In 4 of 10 eyes, second adjustments were necessary. One month after surgery, all patients were within +/-0.50 D of the intended refraction. Preoperatively, the cylinder was 0.88+/-0.77 D, but was reduced after adjustments to 0.15+/-0.20 D. Mean UCVA was 1.02, and all eyes gained at least two lines on the Snellen visual acuity test (ie, BSCVA) after surgery.
Conclusions: The LAL is a new IOL with the ability to correct up to 2.00 D of sphere and cylinder after implantation. Our first clinical results are promising and indicate effective safety and stability.
Copyright 2010, SLACK Incorporated.