Rhinoentomophthoromycosis due to Conidiobolus coronatus is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease, occurring mainly in tropical Africa, South and Central America and south-east Asia, including India. We report a case of rhinoentomophthoromycosis in a 30-year-old male farmer, a resident of Gorakhpur city in Uttar Pradesh, which was diagnosed by histopathology and isolation C. coronatus in culture. The patient presented with a swollen nose with obstruction that had progressed slowly over one year. His nasal swelling was bilateral, diffuse, mildly tender, erythematous, non-pitting, with mucosal crusting and hypertrophy of inferior turbinates but no regional lympha-denopathy. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) scan revealed bilateral pan-sinusitis with nasoethmoid polyposis. Culture of tissue from the nasal biopsy on Sabouraud glucose agar yielded multiple colonies of a mold with satellite smaller colonies at periphery. The isolate demonstrated the macroscopic and microscopic morphologic characteristics of C. coronatus. Its identity was further confirmed by direct DNA sequencing of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and D1/D2 regions of rDNA. Haemotoxylin and eosin stained tissue sections of the skin biopsy revealed irregular epidermal acanthosis, marked inflammatory and granulomatous reaction with sparse, non-septate hyphae. The patient was treated successfully with a combination therapy of oral saturated potassium iodide solution, itraconazole, and intravenous infusion of amphotericin B. An overview of rhinoentomophthoromycosis cases reported to-date in India is presented.