Zero- and one-dimensional metal nanocrystals were successfully fabricated with accurate control in size, shape, and position on semiconductor surfaces by using a novel in situ fabrication method of the nanocrystal with a biasing tungsten tip in transmission electron microscopy. The dominant mechanism of nanocrystal formation was identified mainly as local Joule heating-assisted electromigration through the direct observation of formation and growth processes of the nanocrystal. This method was applied to extracting metal atoms with an exceedingly faster growth rate ( approximately 10(5) atoms/s) from a metal-oxide thin film to form a metal nanocrystal with any desired size and position. By real-time observation of the microstructure and concurrent electrical measurements, it was found that the nanostructure formation can be completely controlled into various shapes such as zero-dimensional nanodots and one-dimensional nanowires/nanorods.